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Terms & Conditions

We hope that you enjoy working with CKLD and that you are successful in all that you do both personally and professionally. If you have any questions regarding our services please do not hesitate to contact us at

1. Definitions

The following terms shall have the following meanings:

• “CKLD” means Craig Kershaw Leadership Development Ltd.

• The “Client” means the person, company or other legal entity identified who have made a request to CKLD to supply Services.

• “Services” means the goods or services to be provided by CKLD Ltd to the Client specified and agreed under the terms of the contract.

• “Booking Date” is the date when CKLD has agreed to supply the course or other Services requested by the Client and the price is agreed.

• “Intellectual Property” includes all training materials, course manuals, advice, consultancy, confidential information supplied by CKLD to the Client, whether copyright or not.


2. Scope of these Terms & Conditions

The Client agrees that the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall constitute all of the provisions relating to the Services to be provided to the Client by CKLD. No other terms and conditions shall be accepted unless otherwise agreed by CKLD in writing,


3. Training Courses 

The contents of the Course Outlines and the duration and timings stated are intended for general guidance only and do not form any part of a contract. CKLD reserves the right to make any reasonable changes to public scheduled courses and private courses, including the content, timing and location of the courses, without notice.

The indication of course availability and location shown on the CKLD website is for guidance only and does not form any part of a contract. Please contact CKLD before making any travel or accommodation arrangements as CKLD will not be liable for any such expenses that you may incur.

It is the responsibility of the person booking the course to ensure that the course content meets their/their delegates requirements and that the delegates meet the prerequisites of the course on which they are booked.

CKLD reserves the right to refuse admission onto a training course by any person whom they consider in their absolute discretion to be unsuitable for admission onto the course.

We reserve the right to remove any persons after the commencement of a course if they

- do not meet the pre-requisites for the training;

- behave in a manner that is unsuitable, or disruptive;

- show signs of illness that could be infectious and a danger to other delegates or staff.

We will endeavour to help delegates understand the course content we cannot be held responsible for any difficulties experienced or misinterpretation due to a lack of proficiency in the English language.


4. Terms of Payment

Where the Services relate to the provision of a training course, payment is required no later than 10 Working Days before the start date of the course / pre-course CliftonStrengths assessment. Other arrangements may be agreed upon in the case of late bookings or where an official purchase order is provided.

Where Services involve other services, payment is required 10 Working Days prior to delivery or as otherwise agreed in writing.

Payment for Individual Coaching Packages must be paid in full prior to the CliftonStrengths assessment being undertaken. Once the CliftonStrengths Assessment has been completed, Individual Coaching Packages can not be cancelled and are non refundable.

CKLD is entitled to charge interest at 2% per month or part thereof on overdue payments.

Where pre-agreed by CKLD a payment may be agreed by Purchase Order. Where payment by Purchase Order is agreed these Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and no variation to these Terms and Conditions is accepted by CKLD, unless specifically agreed by CKLD in writing. For the avoidance of doubt, any change to these Terms & Conditions detailed within a Purchase Order, or by another means, without specific acceptance by CKLD in writing, shall be null and void.


5. Cancellation, Transfers and Substitutions with respect to Training Courses

CKLD reserves the right to cancel or arrange an alternative date for any course. Where this does occur, CKLD will endeavour to provide as much notice of cancellation or change to the Client as possible. In the event of cancellation, the Client will be entitled to a full refund of the course fee, but CKLD shall not be liable for any other loss or expense arising.

The Client may cancel the course booking by notifying CKLD in writing by acknowledged email, or by recorded delivery, as soon as reasonably practicable. If a delegate does not attend the training the Client shall be deemed to have cancelled the course booking. The Client shall be liable to pay a cancellation fee as follows:

Public Scheduled or Private Courses:

Number of Days Notice   Proportion of Course Fee Payable

0-10 Working Days           100%

10-30 Working Day              50%


Please note that any bank fees incurred by CKLD in processing any payment will not be refunded.  We also reserve the right to charge a £10 administration fee.

In the event that a delegate is unable to attend the course booked, CKLD will endeavour to transfer the delegate to an alternative course. If this is requested 8 or more Working Days from the start date of the booked course, then no charge will apply. If a transfer is requested 7 or fewer Working Days prior to the course commencement date, then the cancellation fees above will be payable.

CKLD will allow the Client to substitute one delegate for another provided the Clifton Strengths assessment has not taken place. In which case there will be no additional charge to the client.  In the event that the assessment has already taken place there will be an additional £80 fee for the substitutions assessment.


6. Credit Rating

CKLD normally requires payment 10 days prior to commencement of a course. Where prior payment is not possible CKLD reserves the right to assess the financial records of any organisation or individual making a booking to determine their credit status. CKLD reserves the right to refuse a booking if the credit status is deemed by CKLD to represent too high a risk.


7. Liability

CKLD’s total liability for any loss or damage shall not exceed the price payable for the Services, except in cases of personal injury or physical damage to the Client’s property caused by CKLD.

CKLD shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss, including but not limited to: loss of profits; loss of revenue; loss of goodwill; loss of data; failure to achieve savings; failure to improve performance.


8. Force Majeure

CKLD shall not be responsible for the failure of performance of its duties and obligations due to any act of God, pandemic, fire, act of government or state, war, civil commotion, sickness or other cause beyond its reasonable control.


9. Data Protection and Confidentiality

The policy of CKLD with respect to data protection is detailed in its Data Protection Policy which should be read in conjunction with these terms and conditions of the contract.

All Intellectual Property associated with training courses or other Services shall remain vested in the owner be it CKLD, or others.

Intellectual Property which includes, course materials, slide decks, manuals, videos, guides, strategy templates, must not be copied or reproduced or disclosed to any person or persons who have not attended the relevant training course with CKLD, without the prior written consent of CKLD. The Client shall ensure that its employees and all those under the Client’s control and supervision comply with this obligation.


10. General

No variation to these Terms and Conditions shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by an authorised representative of CKLD.

At the commencement of the Contract and for a period of 12 months thereafter, the Client shall not directly or indirectly employ or solicit for employment any employees of CKLD or its Training Providers.

All parties (including CKLD, the Client and the Training Provider) shall comply with the Anti-Bribery Act 2010 and will make it clear to those providing services to it, that it does not accept or condone the payment of bribes on its behalf.

All parties (including CKLD, the Client and the Training Provider) shall comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

All parties (including CKLD, the Client and the Training Provider) will not discriminate on grounds of Race, religion, creed, colour, national and ethnic origin, political beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, health, mental health, marital status, responsibility for dependants, social class, income level or criminal record.

If for any reason, any sub-clause or paragraph of these Terms and Conditions should prove unenforceable or invalid, this shall not prejudice or affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder.

These Terms and Conditions are governed by and should be construed in accordance with English law.


If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please email 



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