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Building Stronger Managers  

Strengths for Managers
Development Package

Gallup's latest workplace research shows that employees now seek meaningful work, caring managers, clear communication, work clarity, and growth opportunities. Manager engagement strongly influences team engagement, with engaged managers boosting companywide performance. This workshop prepares managers for today's workplace demands, focusing on strengths-based coaching to enhance employee productivity and team success.


​The course starts with an introduction to Strengths and a  CliftonStrengths® online assessment and personalised report. Participants then engage in a comprehensive Two-Day Workshop, where they explore the benefits of a Strengths-based Culture and delve into positive psychology and CliftonStrengths® principles. Through various exercises and activities, individuals discover their unique strengths and learn practical strategies to maximise them. The workshop emphasises applying strengths to enhance managerial practices, utilising best practices for individual and team performance. Key topics include understanding manager impact on Employee Engagement, adopting a coaching role, and mastering performance-oriented conversations that promote engagement and accountability.

All participants then have a follow up coaching session to help implement what they have learnt in the workshops.


Additional coaching sessions can be added for the whole group or on a one-to-one basis as required. 


​This package is delivered with a mixture of face-to-face and online sessions. 


Prices depend on numbers and location.

Minimum six Managers in the group.

If you're an individual Manager interested in this program please contact me to discuss how we can develop a package just for you.

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